Friday, August 26, 2011

Sorry for the long Pause

A few weeks ago, right after I began this blog, my children got sick. It took them longer then usual to get well,because they were unable to sleep.Did I mention that I have loud drunken neighbors? Then right after they got well, I got sick. Im pretty sure I had the plague. I was sick for a week and a half and I have never felt that sick in atleast a decade. My doctor said it was a viral infection, but I think he just told me that so I woudnt worry! After I got well, it took me a while to get back my energy. So the garden and the rest of the canning had to wait, as did this blog! But atlast Im fully myself again, and have been out working amongst the gardens and in my home.

Here are the peaches that I canned before we got sick.It was my first attempt at canning and I dont think I did so bad!! Next Im going to can beets and tomatoes in the form of sauce and crushed.

Also some of the cucumbers that came out of my garden. I didnt seem to be getting any for the longest and now Im plucking at least three a week. Im very pleased! 01 02 03
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