Sunday, August 28, 2011

The Room With Many Hats

This is our dining room. It serves many purpouses. Its  my husbands office, my sewing room, where we eat, and our school room. Since my son was in preschool I have been homeschooling him.Now before you go and assume that I am anti public school becuase I do so, let me stop you. We chose to homeschool our son, simply becuase I enjoy it. I enjoy him being at home, learning with him, and teaching him charactor building. See? Out of allf of my reasons I didnt knock once on public schools.

after working all weekend to get the school room ready again, and with the help of my son and husband, the school schedule is up, chore packs are finished, books are all in place, and the curriculum is written out. (for this week atleast). So tomorrow school will begin,. Talon will be starting the first grade.  I thought Id share some photos with you all my efforts to be organized. Im hoping itll stay that way all school year, but Im not holding my breath.
for all of those who have started already or about to start, have a happy and safe school year!!

01 02 18

Friday, August 26, 2011

Sorry for the long Pause

A few weeks ago, right after I began this blog, my children got sick. It took them longer then usual to get well,because they were unable to sleep.Did I mention that I have loud drunken neighbors? Then right after they got well, I got sick. Im pretty sure I had the plague. I was sick for a week and a half and I have never felt that sick in atleast a decade. My doctor said it was a viral infection, but I think he just told me that so I woudnt worry! After I got well, it took me a while to get back my energy. So the garden and the rest of the canning had to wait, as did this blog! But atlast Im fully myself again, and have been out working amongst the gardens and in my home.

Here are the peaches that I canned before we got sick.It was my first attempt at canning and I dont think I did so bad!! Next Im going to can beets and tomatoes in the form of sauce and crushed.

Also some of the cucumbers that came out of my garden. I didnt seem to be getting any for the longest and now Im plucking at least three a week. Im very pleased! 01 02 18

Saturday, August 13, 2011

The First Post

So we have finally purchased our first home. Its in an undesirable area. Not much space of gardening and we are cramped right onto our neighbors. They dont know much about homesteading and dont seem to interested in the idea. Who is these days? Not many, but you would be surprised to know that after it faded out in the early 1900's its making a big comeback. Ive not had a hard time finding books and blogs about it. Its been my passion for years now and always renting have never been able to dive into it. So the first thing I did when we got made setttlement on this house was start a compost. You cant have a good garden if you dont have good soil. the soil around here is mostly rocks and beer bottles. Left over from years and years of drunks no doubt! lol
Homesteading is basicely making everything you need on your own without help from a grocery store or market of some sourt. though we do go to farmers markets to get the things we cant grow in our own yard. which so far is much of it. we are just starting out. hopefully next year well have more food produced from our own yard!  We also make our own laundery detergant, bread, clothes, (not allclothes but an ammount) wash clothes, blankets. Im learning how to can fruits and veggies for the winter too, which is an adventure on its own. In this blog Ill talk about our adventures as new homesteaders and overcoming the issues of living on very little and cramped land while doing so!  Think we are weird? Dont worry Im sure our neighbors do too. Its just par for the course! Hope you enjoy reading thru our journey! 01 02 18